Audionote 2.1
Audionote 2.1

audionote 2.1

I should note that the BP DAC also happens to be an exemplary all-over performer in this category (the BorderPatrol DAC retails for half the price of this version of the Audio Note DAC), so this result was not really a surprise. Some points of comparison to that notion of “reference”. Compared with my in-house value-reference, the BorderPatrol DAC, I will confess that I find the latter to be more open and more transparent. Try one of these DACs for yourself and trust your ears. Which, I fully acknowledge, will present a problem for certain readers addicted to forum-sourced spec-led latest-is-always-greatest opinions. I am (once again) sorely tempted to toss all rulers and barometers out the window and start over, and this time, completely ignore anything that has anything to do with specs or measurements. In short, what this DAC does is make me completely rethink what actually matters in high-end audio, digital or otherwise.

audionote 2.1

Why? Because what the DAC2.1x Signature does offer is that all-too-rare window that only occasionally sits between two stereo speakers: real music. Why? Because chances are, this DAC is a damn sight better than what you’ve grown accustomed to. Why? Because while it does not quite reach best-in-class, that ought not to be the last word. There is nothing in the spec sheet that justifies anything other than a complete dismissal. So, back to brass tacks: according to Received Wisdom, the DAC 2.1x Signature should not be an excellent-sounding converter. Especially since it measures like crap. And while I will cheerfully caveat these comments with the usual “YMMV”, I will also say that I have high hopes for our erstwhile partner Rafe Arnott in his new gig at Audiostream. What I am saying is that there does not seem to be a useful barometer out there for “good converters”, which is particularly perplexing at this point in the development of computer audio. As you probably know, I’m a huge fan of Stereophile  I’ve had the opportunity to sit down with most of their Recommended Components digital components and their conclusions are inconsistent and confused. I mean, you may be, but I’m not saying that. Yes, yes: I am waving my hands violently for effect. You’re welcome to disagree, but until you have the chance to sit down with a great DAC, your opinion is uninformed. They’ve got all the right bits and bobs, say all the right things on the spec sheets, have all the latest support for whatever. Still.ĭon’t get me wrong - the newest ones are very precise. Which brings me to an aside. The point I’m making here is pretty simple even if it’s combative - digital converters, by and large, are not awesome. Not only could you do a lot worse than this little machine, I am unconvinced that most of you have done better. If you’re looking for a converter that is going to make everything sound pretty flipping awesome, you can pretty much stop right here. Generally speaking, the sound of this DAC is “warm” bordering on “romantic.” I suspect that other reviewers will prefer the terms “analog” or “musical”, and they have a point - digital music that flows into this DAC comes out sounding rich, full, lush, and very listenable. But if that use-case fits you, then Bob’s your Uncle. It’s S/PDIF over RCA or AES/EBU over XLR or nothing.Ĭall it: “use-case limited”. In case it’s not obvious, this DAC is unabashedly un-modern - there are no inputs for USB or Ethernet (wired or wireless), and no “real” high-resolution support (the DAC will truncate down to 18 bits). It also includes a no-feedback tube-output stage. The AD1865N chip supports 24Bit/96KHz files (even though the chip is 18-bit), and in direct contravention to received wisdom, the DAC is “digital filter free”. It includes the expected Audio Note “secret sauce” componentry, including Black Gate caps, Tantalum resistors, a choke-regulated and tube rectified power supply, as well as the separate mains transformer and a transformer-based digital input. Like the transport, this DAC sits about mid-way through their “levels” of digital converter products. The US price for the DAC2.1x Signature is $4,900. Q sent along with the CDT-Two/II transport that I so greatly admired. I wanted to share a few notes about the Audio Note UK ( website) DAC 2.1x Signature that Mr.

Audionote 2.1