Or read from her books.īut she will talk. On April 12, she’ll be here, in Cincinnati, performing “An Evening With Fran Lebowitz” at the Aronoff Center’s Procter & Gamble Hall. A 2020 profile in “The New Yorker” described her as “the patron saint of staying at home and doing nothing.” But for someone so determined to avoid the mainstream of modern life, Lebowitz has a curious way of constantly being in the thick of it. She is a successful author, too, but it’s been 40 years since her last book of essays.Īnd as for fame, she doesn’t seem to pursue it as much as she does attract it.
She is something of a star, for instance, the central subject of Martin Scorsese’s Netflix series “Pretend It’s a City.” But she says she’s never viewed Netflix, except to catch a snippet or two at friends’ homes. But that doesn’t really explain why she is such a revered.

Twerski (1) Rabbi Manis Friedman (13) Rare Footage (258) Rivie Schwebel (38) Rogers Park (10) Ruvi Banet Orchestra (18) Sandy Shmuely (1) Sanz (14) Satmar (233) Sefira (556) Shalsheles (18) Shalsheles Jr.Author, humorist and star of Netflix’s “Pretend It’s a City,” Fran Lebowitz brings her show, “An Evening With Fran Lebowitz” to the Aronoff Center on April 12.

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